Let us start coding in C programming Language. In order to understand the programming, you must practice coding. Through coding, you get a better grasp on logic problems, the use of loops and statements, operators, string, etc. Not only that but it will prepare you for the interview questions.
1 2 3 4 5 6 | #include <stdio.h> int main() { // printf() displays the string inside quotation printf("Hello, World!"); return 0; } |
This page covers the C program’s questions from basic programming to files related C programming questions. Click the link below.
C Program Practicals
C Basics Programs
- C Program to Print Hello World
- C Program to check whether a Date is Valid or not
- C Program to calculate Simple Interest
- C Program to Find the Size of int, float, double and char
- C Program to find Cosine value
- C Program to Print ASCII Value of a Character
- C Program to Check whether a year is a leap year or not
- C Program to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
- C Program to Calculate the Area and Circumference of a Circle
- C Program to Find the Area of a Rectangle
- C Program to Find the Largest of three Numbers
- C Program to Multiply two numbers using Addition operator
- C Program to check whether a Number is Binary or Not
- Menu Driven Program using Switch Case in C
- Currency Conversion Program in C
C Numbers Programs
- C Program to Check Whether Number is Even or Odd
- Magic Number in C
- C Program to Swap Two Numbers without using Third Variable
- C Program to Swap Two Numbers
- C Program to Add Two Numbers using Pointers
- C Program to Find Roots of a Quadratic Equation
- C Program to Check Whether a Given Number is Prime or Not
- C program to Print Prime Numbers in a Given Range (max & min)
- C Program to Print Prime Numbers up to a Given Number
- Factorial Program in C using Function
- C Program to Find Factorial of a Number using Recursion
- C Program to Find Quadrant of a given Co-Ordinate
- C Program to Count the Number of Digits in an Integer
- C Program to Reverse a Number using Loops
- C Program to Reverse a given Number using Recursive Function
- C program to Print Natural Numbers in Reverse from n to 1
- C Program to Print Natural Numbers in Reverse order with a difference of 2
- Sum of digits of a Number in C
- C Program to Check Whether a Number is Palindrome or Not
- C Program to Generate Fibonacci Series
- C Program to Find Sum of First and Last Digit of any Number
- C Program to Find the GCD and LCM of Two Integers
- C Program to Find LCM of two Numbers
- C Program to Find GCD of two Numbers
- C Program to Convert Number to Words
- C Program to Generate Random numbers
- C Program to Generate Random numbers within a Range
- C Program to Reverse a Number using for loop
- C Program to Print Multiplication Table
C Special Number Programs
- C Program to Print all Magic Number till N
- C Program to Check Armstrong Number
- C Program for Pascal Triangle
- C Program to find Strong Number
- C Program to Check the Number is a Neon Number or Not
- Fizz Buzz Program in C
- Automorphic Number Program in C
- Happy Number Program in C
- Sunny Number Program in C
- Peterson Number in C
- Fascinating Number Program in C
- Keith Number Program in C
Searching and Sorting Algorithm in C
- C Program to Implement Bubble Sort
- C Program for implementation of Selection sort
- Implement Insertion sort Program in C
- Implementation of HeapSort Algorithm in C
- Implementation of Quick SortAlgorithm in C
- C Program to Implement Merge Sort
- Implementation of Shell Sort Algorithm in C
C Conversion Programs
- C Program to Convert Binary to Decimal
- C Program to Convert Decimal to Binary
- C Program to Convert Octal to Binary
- C Program to Convert Binary to Octal
- C Program to Convert Decimal to Octal using Recursion and Loop
- C Program to Convert Octal to Decimal
- C Program to Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal
- C Program to convert Hexadecimal to Decimal
- C Program to Convert Binary to Hexadecimal
- C Program to Convert Hexadecimal to Binary
- C Program to Convert Octal to Hexadecimal
- C Program to Convert Hexadecimal to Octal
C Array Programs
- C Program for Matrix Addition
- C Program to Multiply Two Matrices
- C Program to Search an Element in an Array
- C Program to find the sum of all elements in an Array
- C Program to Access an element in 2-D Array
- C Program to find the Largest and Smallest element in Array
- C Program to Find Second Largest Number in an Array
- Program to Reverse the Array Elements in C
- C Program for deletion of an element from the specified location from Array
- C Program to Delete a Particular element from an Array
- C Program to Find Sum of Diagonal elements in a Matrix
- C Program to Find Inverse of a Matrix
- C Program to Find Transpose of a Matrix
C Strings Programs
- C String – strlen() function
- C String – strcpy() function
- C String – strcat() function
- C String – strcmp() function
- C String – strrev() function
- C String – strlwr() function
- C String – strupr() function
- C String – strchr() function
- C Program to Reverse a String
- C Program to Check whether the entered character is capital, small letter, digit or special character
- C Program to Convert Uppercase to Lowercase and Vice Versa in a string
- C Program to check for String Palindrome without using string functions
- C Program to Check if a Given String is a Palindrome
- C Program to Compare two Strings using strcmp()
- C Program to Find Length of a String Using strlen() Function
- C Program to Find the Length of a String without using Function strlen()
- C Program to Find the Frequency of Characters in a String
- C Program to find Maximum occurring Character in a String
- C Program to sort a String in Ascending order
C Files Programs
- C Program to create a File & write Data in it
- C Program to Copy Contents of one file to another
- C Program to Append Data to a Text file
- C Program to Merge Two Files
- C Program to Read the First Line From a File
- C Program to Count the Number of Lines in a File
- C Program to Count the Number of Characters Words and Lines in a file
C Pattern Programs
- C Program to Print Pascal Triangle
- C Program to print Floyd’s Triangle
- C Program to print Odd Number Pattern
- Diagonal Number Pattern in C
- Hourglass number Pattern in C
- Full Pyramid Number Pattern in C
- Half Pyramid Number Pattern in C
- Left Half Pyramids in C using Numbers
- Half Hourglass Number pattern in C
- Half Diamond number pattern in C
- Half Pyramid Star Pattern in C
- Diamond Shape Star Pattern in C
- Half Diamond Star Pattern in C
- Hourglass Star Pattern in C
- C Program to print Half Hourglass Star pattern
- Hollow Triangle Star Pattern in C
- Square Star pattern in C
- Rectangle Star Pattern in C
- Full Pyramid Pattern Program in C using Stars
- Diagonal Star Pattern in C
- Inverted hollow Triangle Star pattern in C
- C Program to Print Pyramid Pattern of Alphabets
- Half Hourglass Alphabet Pattern in C
- Full hourglass pattern of Alphabets in C
- Square Pattern of any Character in C
- Inverted Half Pyramid Pattern of Alphabets in C
- Half Pyramid of Alphabets in C
- Half Diamond Pattern in C using Alphabets
- Program to Print Diamond Alphabet Patterns in C
Algorithm and Flowchart to find Factorial of a number
Algorithm and Flowchart to find Fibonacci series
Important Algorithms in C
- Dining Philosophers problem in C
- Round Robin Scheduling in C
- Bit Stuffing Program in C
- Kruskal’s Algorithm in C
- C Program for Predictive Parser
- LRU Page Replacement Algorithm in C
- Implementation of Stack Using Array in C Program
- C Program for Simultaneous Equations
- Infix to Postfix Conversion in C Program using Stack
This page is updated on a regular basis with more C programs. Keep visiting simple2code for the update on the C program