In this tutorial, you will learn to write a program to find the inverse of a matrix in C. Let us first start by understanding how to find the inverse of a matrix and the requirements to find it.
In order to find the inverse of a matrix,
- The matrix must be a square matrix.
- Determinant needs to be calculated and should not equal to zero (0).
- Then find the adjoint of a matrix and
- Lastly, multiply 1/determinant by adjoint to get the inverse of a matrix.
Adjoint of a matrix
The adjoint of a matrix is obtained by taking the transpose of the cofactor matrix of a given square matrix. it is also called the Adjugate matrix. For matrix A, it is denoted by adj A.
Determinant of a matrix:
It is calculated in the following way for the square matrices.
The formula to find inverse of matrix:
C Program to Find Inverse of a Matrix
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