C++ Bitwise Operators
Bitwise operators are used to perform a bit-level operation on operands. They are used in testing, setting, or shifting the actual bits in a program. You can see the truth table below. p q p & q p | q …
Bitwise operators are used to perform a bit-level operation on operands. They are used in testing, setting, or shifting the actual bits in a program. You can see the truth table below. p q p & q p | q …
An operator is a symbol that performs a specific mathematical or logical operation on operands.Example: Addition : 2 + 3, where 2 and 3 are the operands and + is the operator. We can say that operators are the foundation …
Keywords A keywords are the reserved words in programming language with a specific features for each keyword. Keywords always starts with the lower case and cannot be a variable name or constant name. These are predefined by the program and …
C++ Constant Constant in C++ refers to the values in the program whose value during the entire execution of the program. And these fixed values are called Literals. These constants may be any of the data types present in C++ …
In any programming language, the scope is a region which is can be defined as the extent up to which something is valid. All the variables used in a program have their extent of use and if used out of …
The variable is the basic unit of storage that holds the value while the program is executed. We can also say that it is a name given to the memory location. A variable is defined by data-types provided by C++. These …
While writing a program, we store the information by creating a variable. These variables are nothing but the name given to some unspecified memory location. Now the information can be character type, integer type, double, float etc. A data type …
This section is important, before diving into the main content of the C++ program, you need to learn the basic syntax of C++. You need to know in which manner C++ code is written. C++ is the collection of classes …
C++ is a powerful general-purpose, case-sensitive, free-form programming language that supports object-oriented, procedural, and generic programming. It is a mid–level language as it comprises both low and high-level language features. C++ programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 …
C++ is an Object-Oriented Programming Language, which is its main feature. It can create and destroy objects while programming. As it is an enhancement to C, hence it possesses all the features offered by C along with its new important …