C++ Pointers

Pointer is an important part of the programming as it deals with the memory address of the variables. There are various tasks that can be achieved easily with the use of pointers in C++ such as dynamic memory allocation that …

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C++ Arrays

An array is a group or a fixed-size sequential collection of data having the same data-type stored in a contiguous memory location. It is a simple data structure format where the primitive type of data such as int, char, double, float, …

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C++ Recursion

Recursion refers to the process when a function calls itself inside that function directly or indirectly or in a cycle. And such functions are called recursive functions. However, the crucial part is the termination condition, if not handled properly then …

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C++ Functions

A function refers to a block of code (or a group of statements) that performs a specific task. A function takes some inputs, does some computation based on that input and returns the output. The function can be called many …

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