C# Multidimensional Arrays2 min read

C# allows multi-dimensional arrays. This could be of 2D or 3D (two-dimensional or three-dimensional) Array. These arrays are stored in the form of a table (with rows and columns) which is also known as a matrix.

In C#, multidimensional array is also known as rectangular arrays.

To declare an array of multi-dimensions, we need to use comma (,) inside the brackets []. Such as:

Initialization of Multi Dimensional Array in C#

We can initialize a Multi-Dimensional Array (two-dimensional or three-dimensional) in the following ways in C#.

1. Initialization of two-dimensional array:

2D array is the simplest of multi-dimensional array. It has rows and column like a table.

The following is the 2 by 3 matrix array that is array with 2 rows and 3 columns.

2. Initialization of three-dimensional array:

You can also declare and initialize multi-dimensional array in three different ways .

Accessing two Dimensional array in C#

Accessing 2d Array:

Subscripts are used to access the 2D array element. It can be achieved by placing the particular index number within the two brackets [][] (that is the row index and column index). Such as:

Accessing 3d Array:

Accessing a 3-dimensional array is also as same as a two-dimensional array, the only difference is that in a 3d array we have to specify 3 subscripts with a required index number.

Example of C# Multi Dimensional Array:

Example: Two Dimensional Array in C#

C# Program to display all elements in a 2D array. We need to use a nested loop in order to iterate through a multi-dimensional array.


Example: Three Dimensional Array in C#

C# Program to display all elements in an 3D array


As we saw the examples of 2D and 3D arrays, in a similar we can create any number dimension as required. However, the most used multidimensional array is a two-dimensional array.


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