Static block in Java
A static block in a program is a block which is associated with a static keyword. The static block executes when the classloader loads the class. A static block is invoked before the main() method in java. Syntax: ………static { …
A static block in a program is a block which is associated with a static keyword. The static block executes when the classloader loads the class. A static block is invoked before the main() method in java. Syntax: ………static { …
The ++ and the – – are Java’s increment and decrement operators. ++ is used to increase the value by 1 and – – is used to decrease the value by 1. There are two kinds of Increment and Decrement Operators. They are: Post-Increment …
Comparison operators are used to comparing two values and return boolean results. These operators are used to check for relations like equality, greater than, less than between two values. They are used with a loop statement and also with if-else statements. Following …
Logical Operators are used in conditional statements and loops for evaluating a condition with binary values. All of the binary logical operators combine two boolean values that are true and false to form a result value. Logical Operators with their …
Ternary Operator is also known as the Conditional operator. It is used to evaluate Boolean expressions. We can say that it is a short version of the if-else statement. But here instead of operating on two operands, it operates on …
Assignment operator is used to assigning a value to any variable. This operator assigns the value of the right–hand side of an operator to the left–hand side. Various assignment operator in Java:These are the short version formed by combining the …
1. Arithmetic Operators: They are used to perform basic arithmetic operations. They perform on primitive data types.They are: * : MultiplicationMultiplies two valuesExample: x * y; / : DivisionDivides one value from anotherExample: x / y; % : ModuloReturns the division …
Bitwise operator works on bits and performs a bit-by-bit operation. There are six Bitwise Operators and can be applied to the integer types, long, int, short, char, and byte. List of Bitwise Operator in Java: Bitwise AND: ‘&’Binary AND Operator …
This article contains 50+ top java interview questions and answers that help you prepare for your interview. These are frequently asked java questions in an interview from basic to intermediate. This article will help to understand the OOP concept, basic …
The following are the features of Java: Object-Oriented Platform Independent Simple and secure Portable Robust Dynamic Multi-threaded High Performance Compiled and Interpreted Distributed. 1. Object-Oriented: Java is an object-oriented programming language. OOP divides the program into a number of objects …